Marley Braid Hair styled for another 3 days

This is part 2 of “Adding Marley Braid Hair to a Hopeless bun.”

Good afternoon Lovelies. So for the next few days after my last post with the Marley Braid hair I experimented a little further. I wanted a bun that wouldn’t put too much pressure on my edges, and I also wanted a style that appeared to be my natural hair in a sloppy/relaxed way. This first style literally got me compliments from everywhere. People really thought it was all mine (hehe). That night I braided my hair (with olive oil and CURLS moisturizer) and then released them in the morning. I had a pretty defined braid out but that wasn’t how I planned to rock my hair that day. I loosely gathered up each section with a scrunchie, and then finally wrapped the Marley Braid hair around my tiny bun. Here are some pics (sorry I had food in my mouth in one of them):




So that night I re-braided my hair around the edges of my head and did large twists in the center. The next day I had class early so I just put a hat over it and removed the braids/twists after my class. I was surprised at how defined my hair looked. I did a semi-flat twist and pinned it to the side of my head and added the Marley hair to my bun. Here are some pics:



The following day I did another braid out bun. I made a pompadour in the front to show off my definition and then added the Marley Braid hair to my bun. More pics:



So there you have it guys and gals. This is proof that Marley Braid hair can do wonders to a hopeless bun. I still have a lot more experimenting to do with this hair so I can’t wait.

P.S.- I am so sorry for the awkward shots and what not. This camera is not meant to take selfies it seems. I may need a new camera. Unfortunately it won’t be anytime soon but i’ll manage for now. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this post, because it literally took me three hours (having to convert the pics). Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day and i’ll have a new post up on Friday. Peace!

Adding Marley Braid Hair to a Hopeless Bun

Apology: I am so sorry for my lack of posts this month. I haven’t been on here in a while so I have a lot of catching up to do. I missed you guys so much though. Unfortunately finals week basically took most of my time. Hopefully next time I’ll post a warning before I disappear for a month. Anyway, hope you’re having a wonderful morning! This is part 1 of 2.

So it’s the day after my whole “Anita Grant Rhassoul clay Cubes” wash day, and I begin un-braiding/twisting my hair. That morning I had already planned on doing a high bun, but since I hadn’t worn a braid out in over 6 months I feared that it wouldn’t last long throughout the day. However, my hair looked amazingly defined and felt nice and airy. Still, I was cautious, so I put it in a bun…a hopeless looking one, and went to my first class. Honestly, although I love how it looked from the front, I was still nervous about walking across campus with a bun that looked like it contained only 3 strands of hair in it. Oh well, I still made it through the day maintaining as much confidence as I could summon. It really wasn’t that bad though. Everything besides the size of my bun looked good. That night I re-twisted my hair with just water, Vatika oil, and castor oil (on my ends.) Here are some pics:

ck b5

ck b2

ck b1

ck b3

The next day I un-did my twists, put my hair in a bun, and did a large flat twist across the front of my head (after trial and error with two twists in the front). The day before I had remembered that I had Marley braid hair that I had only used once and forgotten about ever since. I took it out and frizzed it up a bit to make it look more natural, and wrapped it around my tiny bun. Here are some pics:

ck s1
ck s2

ck s7
ck s3
ck s4
ck s5
ck s6
ck s8

P.S.: Again I apologize for my absence this last month. Part two will be up on Wednesday. Have an awesome day!

Apology for no posts

Hello readers, I am so sorry for not posting any updates in about a week which is terrible. I had several tests in school this week and my finals are also coming up as well. This is still no excuse though because even when I did have time I just really didn’t feel like updating (making a blog post takes me over 2 hours). Anyways, there will be several new posts in the coming days which will be well worth the wait. Hope you’re having a great day and i’ll see you soon. 🙂

Wash day with Anita Grant Rhassoul Cubes

Good Afternoon wonderful readers! Okay so over winter break I ordered Anita Grant’s Rhassoul Clay cubes after I saw fusionofcultures on youtube use it, as well as Naptural85 on her blog. I was so excited to try them that I ordered two packages of it (to avoid more shipping costs in the future). When I received my package-about three weeks later- I could smell the scent before I even opened it. All the chocolatey goodness of it. I opened the package excitedly and saw (within the little white box) that each box contained three chocolate candy-looking cubes.

Pre Wash:

The day before washing my hair I had it in a twist out (the one from the previous post). That night I lazily rolled and tucked my hair into five sections on my head and secured each one with a band. I removed them the next morning, and after much shaking, picking (with afro pick) and scrunching I achieved my desired look:

ck d1ck d12

Wash Time:

On wash day I clarified my scalp with diluted apple cider vinegar, and then shampooed with Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle. After my hair was stripped clean I placed one of the cubes into a glass measuring cup and poured an itsy bit amount of hot water on top, and then mixed it with a spoon. I ended up making it slightly too watery so I added half of another cube into the liquid and applied it to my hair. In all honesty, it was so disappointing. Correct me if i’m wrong, but I had the intentions that it would weigh my hair down like a Bentonite clay mask- as noted in the videos I watched on Youtube. On top of my high expectations for this product, it didn’t even work so well as just a deep conditioner. It felt as though my hair wasn’t even fully saturated with product. I wanted to give it one more shot so I placed in the rest of the other half cube, mixed in hot water, and rubbed it in my hair. A little better, but not great. It was also slightly grainy. I then covered my head with a plastic cap and towel for an hour, then washed it out. I’ve had better results with just using a plain conditioner. Finally, I braided my hair with Jane Carter’s Solution products, Vatica oil, castor oil, and Kinky Curly knot today.

Pics Time!

Anita Grant Rhassoul Clay:




Product in my hair:
ck d21

ck d212

Products used and Style

ck d23

Shed hair after 3 months with extensions (There would have been more if I’d never detangled after removing them)


The results of how I style my hair the next day will be posted soon. As well as my new safety, or “go to” style. Have a great day!

P.S.- Did I mention I paid 34 dollars and change for 6 frick’n cubes that can only give me three uses! I didn’t even know I paid that much until I got my receipt and it said so. Turns out the 22 dollars (or so) I thought I was paying for this was actually in European pounds. The nerve. I plan on trying 100% Rhassoul clay in the future.


Length Check 3 years 5 months…many setbacks

lc on ckOkay guys so here’s the deal, I’ve been natural for the last 3 1/2 years, and i’m not even at apl yet. I don’t get it. I try to be patient. I try different techniques,  I protective style, seal and use protein/deep treatments, yet nothing seems to give me faster growth. I watch videos and look at pictures of naturals who started way after I had, and they are already at bra strap! uhghhhh, so frustrating!

Anyways, I have learned that I just have to be patient and enjoy my length as it is. So it doesn’t grow as fast as other naturals I have seen; what can I do about it besides accept it? I want to say more, but then again i’m not going to burden my readership with this rant. I will say however that I may have hope when it comes to retaining/growing my hair. I haven’t trimmed my hair in who knows how long and I have so many split ends that this just might be the reason to my madness. I plan on making an appointment next month with the salon Devachan to get a trim, highlights, and shape. Hopefully, this will fix my heartache.

Now onto what you all came here for- length check. And yes, these pictures are from the same day of my previous post.

p.s.- I cut my hair mostly in the front because my hair is thinner in that region and doesn’t shrink up like the rest of my fro. I also cut a few inches in the middle and front of my head because when I first went natural I thought it was heat damage when in fact some parts of my hair are just less elastic than others. Also, last January I cut about three inches off my nape because it look awkward (long story, i’ll tell you guys more about it in the future). Pics time:

Front: ck lc

ck lc 3










Side (temple):

ck lc 5










Back (nape):ck lc 4

ck lc 2










Middle:ck lc 7

ck lc 6

Well, there you have it. My length check. My next post will be “wash day” using Anita Grant’s Rhassoul clay cubes. Hope you have a wonderful day! Tata 🙂